Beginning Google Maps Applications with PHP and Ajax: From Novice to Professional

  • ISBN: 159059707li>
  • Author: Michael Purvis Jeffrey Sambells Cameron Turner
  • Publisher: Apress
  • Publication Date: 2006-08-14

Google Maps Application Development is the first book to comprehensively introduce Google’s popular mapping application programming interface (API). The author team has considerable experience building Google Maps-driven applications, and they cover all aspects of the API. They show you how to create practical, location-based applications that encourage users to interact with the service, add their own information, and dynamically mark up maps.

The book begins with a series of fundamental examples to help you quickly gain familiarity with the API. Then you’ll soon be building highly interactive and dynamic mapping applications with the help of the PHP scripting language. You’ll learn how to “tag” and interact with maps in order to foster a community-driven experience. And you will discover how to take advantage of third-party geocoding services such as Yahoo geocoding and, as well as use the U.S. Census Bureau’s TIGER/Line data to host the service internally.