Book Name Azghi ao Guloona AuthorDr.Naeem Ahmad Roghani Publish Year 2019 PublisherNA Language Pashto Genre Poetry ISBN NA Download Link Azghi ao Guloona Review:Azghi ao Guloona is a collection of Pashto poetry written by Dr. Naeem Ahmad Roghani, Azghi ao Guloona reflects the thoughts and strong belief of the Poet...
Showing posts with label PashtoBooks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PashtoBooks. Show all posts
Book NameDaka Jolai AuthorSaif Momand Publish Year 1995 PublisherZeb Art Publishers, Peshawar LanguagePashto GenreGeneral Knowledge ISBNNA Download Link Review: Daka JolaiDaka Jolai is a Pashto language General Knowledge book written by Saif Momand, this book contains on more than 2000 questions and answers on various...
Book NameDa Zareef Khan ao Ummi be Misla Qissa AuthorMulla Niamat Ullah Publish Year 2015 PublisherZeb Art Publishers, Peshawar LanguagePashto GenreFolk Tale ISBNNA Download Link Review: Da Zareef Khan ao Ummi be Misla QissaBe Misla Qissa da Zareef Khan ao Ummi is one of the famous folk stories of pashtun culture,...
Book Name Pukhto Adab ke Tehqeeq ao Tanqeed AuthorSahib Shah Sabir Publish Year 1995 PublisherPukhto Adabi Jirga, Malakand Language Pashto Genre Literature ISBN NA Download Link Pukhto Adab ke Tehqeeq ao Tanqeed Review:Pukhto Adab ke Tehqeeq ao Tanqeed is a book of pashto literature and it is written by Sahib Shah...
Book Name Da Khalil Jibran Shahkar Landey Qissey AuthorJibran Khalil Jibran Publish Year 1998 PublisherNA Language Pashto Genre Short Stories ISBN NA Download Link Da Khalil Jibran Shahkar Landey Qissey Review:Da Khalil Jibran Shahkar Landey Qissey is Pashto translation of some of the short stories of Khalil Jibran....
Book NameDevaal sara Khabarey AuthorShaheen Buneri Publish Year 2016-01-01 PublisherUniversity Book Agency LanguagePashto GenreShort Stories ISBN987654321 Download Link Devaal sara Khabarey Review:Devaal sara Khabarey is a Pashto social and cultural book written by Shaheen Buneri, Shaheen is a journalist from northwestern...
Book Name Mashaloona AuthorNoorul Bashar Naveed Publish Year 1988 PublisherAfghanistan Da Leekwalo Anjuman Language Pashto Genre Poetry ISBN NA Download Link Mashaloona Review:Mashaloona is a pashto poetry book written by a well known poet and drama writer Noorul Bashar Naveed. a lovely collection of poems and ghazals...
Book Name Che Da Nakrezo Shpa de Rashi AuthorSadaqat Ghurzang Publish Year 2016 PublisherShehbaz Khparandoya Tolana, Jalalabad Language Pashto Genre Poetry ISBN NA Download Link Da Nakrezo Shpa (Mehndi Night)Che Da Nakrezo Shpa de Rashi is a collection of Pashto Poetry regarding Mehndi Night, Che Da Nakrezo Shpa...
Book Name Deevan-e- Ashraf Khan Hijri AuthorAshraf Khan Hijri Publish Year 1958 PublisherNA Language Pashto Genre Poetry ISBN NA Download Link About Ashraf Khan HijriDeevan-e- Ashraf Khan Hijri is a collection of Pashto Poetry,Ashraf Khan Hijri was the Eldest son of Khushal Khan Khattak, a great poet of Pashto language....
Book Name Gilla Ao Jawab Gilla AuthorMaulvi Sahib Gul Publish Year 2006 PublisherAdab Dost Katlang, Mardan Language Pashto Genre Poetry ISBN NA Download Link Review of Gilla Ao Jawab Gilla:Gilla Ao Jawab Gilla is Pashto translation of Allama Muhammad Iqbal's Shikwa Jawab e Shikwa.( Click Here for Urdu version of Shikwa...
Book NameQissa da Gul ao Sanobar AuthorAman GujrathiPublish Year2018PublisherShehbaz Khparandoya TolanaLanguagePashtoGenrePoetryISBNNADownloadLink1Pashto Folk Story Gul ao Sanobar:Qissa da Gul ao Sanobar is one of the very famous pashto folk stories, written by Aman Gujrathi in poetry form.Like other parts of the...
Book NamePukhto Landey (Tapey)AuthorUstaz Abdurrauf BenawaPublish Year2011PublisherDanish Khparandoya TolanaLanguagePashto, Farsi, Urdu, EnglishGenrePoetryISBNNADownloadLink (Read Online)Pukhto Landey Tapey Review:Pukhto Landey (Tapey) is a unique pashto poetry book, with urdu, farsi and english translation. Pukhto Landey...
Book NameDa Dasht LarawayAuthorMuhammad Tariq SaharPublish Year1998PublisherNew Sohail Printing Press, MardanLanguagePashtoGenrePoetryISBNNADownloadLinkDa Dasht Laraway Review:Da Dasht Laraway is a collection of pashto poetry by Muhammad Tariq Sahar, a well educated young man, he has a great love and devotion for pashto...
Book NamePashto Urdu Bolchal ki Asaan KitabAuthorMakhdoom Sabri and Prof. Afzal RazaPublish Year2000PublisherMalik Book Depot, LahoreLanguageUrdu and PashtoGenreLanguage LearningISBNNADownloadLinkPashto Urdu Bolchal Review:Pashto Urdu Bolchal ki Asaan Kitab is Pashto language learning book for urdu readers, this book contains...
Book NameShogireyAuthorMusharaf Gul GhamgeenPublish Year2017PublisherZeb Art Publishers, PeshawarLanguagePashtoGenrePashto PoetryISBNNADownloadLinkShogirey Review: From the bookby Hussain Ullah Aajiz, Pukhto Adabi Tolana, Umarzai, CharsaddaI was very astonished when Musharaf Gul Ghamgeen said " I want to publish...
Book NameKhpalo Khobono Pasy Manday WahamAuthorAbdullah Mashal YousafzaiPublish Year2009PublisherZeb Art Publishers, PeshawarLanguagePashtoGenrePoetryISBNNADownloadLinkKhpalo Khobono Pasy Mandey Waham Review:Khpalo Khobono Pasy Manday Waham is written by Abdullah Mashal Yousafzai, Abdullah is one of the great poets of...
Book NameShor Shor KhamoshiAuthorIjaz Khattak Publish Year2012PublisherHaji Hanif and Sons Printers, LahoreLanguagePashtoGenrePoetryISBNNADownloadLinkShor Shor Khamoshi Author:Shor Shor Khamoshi, a collection of pashto poetry is written by Ijaz Khattak, Mr. Taj Anwar is known as Ijaz Khattak among the poets of Lachi, Kohat,...
Book NameDa Adam Khan Ao Durkhaney da Meeney QissaAuthorMaulvi Ahmad Tangi and M.Hussain MajroohPublish Year2019PublisherShehbaz Khparandvi Tolan, JalalabadLanguagePashtoGenreFolk StoryISBNNADownloadLinkReview: Adam Khan DurkhaneyDa Adam Khan Ao Durkhaney da Meeney Qissa is written by Maulvi Ahmad Tangi and M.Hussain Majrooh....
Book NameKheyaluna Ao FikrunaAuthorMuhammad Tariq SaharPublish Year2010PublisherThe Sun Printers, MardanLanguagePashtoGenrePoetryISBNNADownloadLinkReview: Kheyaluna Ao FikrunaKheyaluna Ao Fikruna is a collection of heart touching Pashto Poetry, Kheyaluna Ao Fikruna is written by Muhammad Tariq Sahar. M.Tariq Sahar is a...
Book NameKhali LasunaAuthorMuhammad Tariq Sahar Publish Year 2006 PublisherShah Jee Press, Mardan Language Pashto Genre Poetry ISBN NA DownloadLink1 Review: Khali LasoonaOne of the best pashto poetry books, Khali Lasona (Emty Hands) Written...