Ashab-e-Kahaf Aur Yajooj Magooj Book download

Ashab e Kahaf Aur Yajooj Majooj Urdu book
Download another book about Gog Magog that is "Ashab-e-Kahaf Aur Yajooj Magooj" written by Abul Kalam Azad in Urdu language, and learn about Gog Magog (Yajooj Majooj) and Ashab e Kahaf in the light of Islam.

Unfortunately many Muslims like me do not know much about Ashab e Kahaf and Yajooj Majooj. Ashab e Kahaf story is also in the holy Qur'aan and even there is a complete chapter in the Holy Qur'aan About Ashab e Kahaf. The emergence of Yahoor Majooj is one of the biggest signs of the Judgment day.

The said book "Ashab-e-Kahaf Aur Yajooj Magooj" is a great Job of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad alias Maulana Azad. Maulana is one of prominent leader of Muslim who opposed the partition of India as he thought that Muslims would gain his lost power again in united India after independence. He was also the first Education Minister of the India. 

Index of the book "Ashab e Kahaf Aur Yajooj Majooj" by Abul Kalam Azad

Ashab e Kahaf Aur Yajooj Majooj Urdu pdf book

Ashab e Kahaf Aur Yajooj Majooj Urdu pdf book

Size: 16.2 MB
Pages: 121

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