Download another interesting pdf book "Kana Dajjal" about Anti Christ (Dajjal) in Urdu language written by Ahmad Mustafa Qasim Altahtawi and translated into Urdu by Qari Mohammad Yaseen Qadri Shatari Ziyae.
The book "Kana Dajjal" Means (one eyed anti Christ) and Mr. Ahmad Mustafa Qasim has narrated about anti Christ (Dajjal) in the light of Islam. He has collected many Hadith along with their references in the said book.
The book is actually the translation of the book "Al Masih Ud Dajjal" which the translator studied in the KSA and translated it into Urdu language for the people who can read and understand Urdu language.
Index of the Urdu pdf Book "Kana Dajjal".
Size: 14.59 MB
Pages: 119
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