Muhasira-e-Qadyaniat Urdu book download free

Muhasira-e-Qadyaniat Urdu book
Download another important Urdu book "Muhasira-e-Qadyaniat" for all the Muslim, written by Mohammad Tahir Razzaq a great Mujahid of Khatm-e-Nabuwwat. In the said book Mr. Tahir Razzaq has exposed the biggest worst plan against Islam i.e Qadiani Movement (Ahmadia) and tried to aware the Muslims from this devil movement against them and Islam.

When Muslims were busy in their Jihad against the British government in British India, the British government has brought a satanic face Mirza Qadyani as their agent with the mission to spiritually declare the Ji
had illegal in Islam. So he claimed that he was the 2nd shape of Prophet Mohammad Peace Be Upon Him (Nauzu Billah) and announced that the concept of Jihad is vanished from Islam (Nauzu Billah) and declared the British Government as God gifted government.

When Muslims realized the danger of the Qadiyani Fitna they established an organization Khatm-e-Nabuwwat and started Jihad against the Qadiyani movement. Mohammad Tahir Razzaq is one of those Mujahideen who are busy in their Jihad against Qadiyanis with the help of conferences, Magazines, books and speeches etc and Alhamdu Lillah now all the Muslims has come to know about this satanic movement.

Index of the book "Muhasira-e-Qadyaniat" by Mohammad Tahir Razzaq.

Muhasira-e-Qadyaniat pdf

Muhasira-e-Qadyaniat pdf

Size: 4.45 MB
Pages: 200

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