Bible Aur Qur'aan book by Dr. Zakir Naik Download

Bible Aur Qur'an pdf Urdu book
Download or read on-line another Urdu book of Dr. Zakir Naik e.g "Bible Aur Qur'aan" written by Dr. Zakir Naik in Urdu Language. Read this book and explore the Ultimate dialogue about two religion between Dr. Zakir Naik and Dr. William Campell, a very interesting dialogue between these two guys took place before countless people. They both have discussed and talked about the Holy Qur'an and Bible in the light of modern science.

The book "Bible aur Qur'an" is definitely translated by Sayyad Imtiaz Ahmad in to Urdu language and you will read about the storm of Naoh (Nooh A.S), Zulqarnain and Alexander great and many other informations between these two Holy books. Doctor Zakir Naik has collected his dialogue with William Campell and has discussed about the Bible and Qur'an in the Light of modern sciences. 

 Index/Contents of the book "Bible Aur Qur'an", by Dr. Zakir Naik.

Bible Aur Qur'an pdf Urdu book

Bible Aur Qur'an pdf Urdu book

Size: 2.04 MB
Pages: 127

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