Download another book "Dehshat Gardi K Khilaf Amrikee Jang" (American war on terror) by Farzana Shah a senior analyst.
The said book "Dehshat Gardi K Khilaf Amrikee Jang", is the collection of the words of Zaid Hamid spoken in a TV program and Farzana Shah has converted his speech in to shape of this book.
In this book Mr. Zaid Hamid has criticized the American war on terror, according to him, American War on terror is actually for the defense of Israel, He also understands that the Zionist lobby is behind the American policies etc. In this book He has also discussed about the Baloch Liberation Army and some extreme nationalist Pathans who demanded the Greater Pakhtunistan.
He has also discussed about Ahmad Shah Masaood and Mulla Umar in this book. There are many pictures and geographical maps are also inserted in this book, download and share it.
The book has no index
Sample pages of the book "Dehshat Gardi K Khilaf Amrikee Jang" by Zaid Hamid.
Size: 1.29 MB
Pages: 30
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