Download another book "End of Times" about the end of times and the final day, written by Dr. Shahid Masaood in Urdu language. In this book he has spotlighted the end times in the light of Islam. He has described many signs of the end in the light of Hadiths.
In the said book "End of Times", Mr. Dr. Shahid Masaood has also discussed about Armageddon, the situation of Islamic world before the emergence of Imam-e-Mehdi (A.S), the emergence of the gold mountain, the wars of Imam-e-Mehdi, the emergence of Dajjal (Antichrist), the Predictions of Nostradamus, the Death of Hazrat Eisa A.S (Jesus), Gog Magog and all events which will be occurred before the Judgment Day In Urdu language.
Dr. Shahid Masaood is not a Muslim scholar but he is a Historian, Doctor, Islamic researcher and a famous Anchor in a private TV channel in Pakistan. He has collected many Hadiths and verses of the Holy Qur'aan in this book. This is obviously his great job. Do not miss to read and share this book with your facebook friends.
Index of the book "End of Times" Dr. Shahid Masaood.
Size: 1.49 MB
Pages: 68
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