Download or read on line an English book of learning Urdu language for free and learn one of the most spoken language in the world e.g Urdu language. Urdu is the only language in the world that has two name e.g Hindi and Urdu and has two shapes of writing. One is Hindi which is spoken in India and another is Urdu which is spoke in Pakistan. Both Urdu and Hindi languages are a little different because there is countable words which are different in both languages. An person who can understand Urdu language, can 95% understands Hindi language and vice versa however the writing style of Urdu and Hindi languages are absolutely different. The Urdu style of writing is more similar to Arabic style of writing than Hindi language and in this book you will learn Urdu language which have Arabic style of writing, once you learned Urdu language you will be able to read 80% Arabic style of writing.
The said book "Lets Study Urdu" is great job by Ali S. Asani and Syed Akbar Haider in which they tried their best to teach you Urdu language. If you are looking to learn Urdu language then do not miss to try this book because this is a best for you, you should read this book.
Index/contents of the book "Lets Study Urdu" by Ali S. Asani & Syed Akbar Hayder.
Size: 15.45 MB
Pages: 519
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