Hudood Ordinance Ek Ilmi Jaiza Pdf Book Free Download

Hudood Ordinance Urdu book
Download another beautiful Urdu book about Hudood Ordinance by Maulana Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani. The complete name of the book is "Hudood Ordinance Ek Ilmi Jaiza". The author Maulana Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani has discussed the Hudood Ordinance. In Islam there are some laws in which the punishment can not be changed they are fixed and some can be changed by the Judge or ruler of time. The author has discussed in detail the Hudood Ordinance (Hudood Law Of Pakistan) In Urdu Language in this book. The author Mr. Maulana Mohammad Taqi Usmani is a well known person and popular scholar.

                                        Brief Information of the book  
Book Name:Hudood Ordinance Ek Ilmi Jaiza
Writer:Maulana Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani
Size:4.78 MB

 Sample Pages of the book "Hudood Ordinance Ek Ilmi Jaiza" by Maulana Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani  

Hudood Ordinance Urdu Language

Hudood Ordinace in Urdu

Hudood Ordinance in Urdu
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