Science Kia Hai? Pdf Urdu Book Free Download

Science kia hai in Urdu
Download or read online Urdu book "Science Kia Hai?" (What is science), authored by Norman Robert Campell who is a philosepher of science and a British physicist. This book is a short introduction to the philosophy of science aimed at a lay audience. Other than attempting to answer the question raised in the title of the book, it tries to answer some of the central questions of the philosophy of science, such as "what is a law of nature?" and "what is measurement" This book is actually the Urdu translation of Norman Robert's book "What is Science?". The credit of this book goes to Arif Uzzaman who has worked hard and translated this book into Urdu language. In the said book you will find scientific theories, definitions, scientific laws.

                                        Brief Information of the book  
Book Name:Science Kia Hai
Writer:Norman Robert Campell
Size:14.34 MB

Contents/Sample Pages of the "Science Kia Hai" by Norman Robert Campell 

contents of Urdu book Science kia hai

contents of Urdu book Science kia hai pdf
contents Science kia hai pdf
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