Ibtidai Tibbi Imdad K Usool Aur Disaster Management Book Download

Ibtidai Tibbi Imdad
Download or read online free Urdu book "Ibtedai Tibbi Imdad aur Disaster management", authored by Dr. Rizwan Naseer and sponsored by World Health Organization and federal ministry of health Pakistan. Ibtidai Tibbi Imdad K Usool aur Disaster Management (the principles of first aid and disaster management) book is totally about disaster management and the complete principle of first aid in Urdu language. The author Dr. Rizwan Naseer has tried his best to teach the complete principles with the help of images and plain Urdu text. You will easily understand the principles of first aid. You will also explore what is disaster management. Ibtidai Tibbi Imdad Urdu book is a must read book for every one. THE ONE WHO SAVED A HUMAN LIFE IS SAME AS HE/SHE SAVED ALL HUMANITY. Don't miss to download this free Urdu book from the below blinking buttons.

                                        Brief Information of the book  
Book Name:Ibtedai Tibbi Imdad K Usool Aur Disaster Management
Writer:Doctor Rizwan Naseer
Size:16.27 MB

Contents/Sample Pages of the "Ibtidai Tibbi Imdad K Usool Aur Disaster Management" by Dr. Rizwan Naseer.

Contents of Urdu book Ibtidai Tibbi Imdad K Usool aur disaster Management

Preface of Urdu book Ibtidai Tibbi Imdad K Usool aur disaster Management
Representation of Urdu book Ibtidai Tibbi Imdad K Usool aur disaster Management
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