Dunya Kay Gird 80 Din Pdf Book Free Download

Dunya Kay Gird Assi Din
Download or read online Free Urdu Pdf book "Dunya Kay Gird Assi Din" (80 Days around the world), authored by Jules Verne who is a French Poet, writer, and French Novelist, best known for his adventurous novels. Mr. Jules Verne is considered one of the popular author in the west especially in Europe. His real name is Jules Gabriel Verne. He is the author of various books and novels. Duniya Kay Gird 80 Din Urdu book is actually the Urdu translation of English book "Around the World in Eighty Days", which is prepared and published by Abdul Hameed Khan. Dunya Kay Gird 80 Din Urdu book was published in its real language in 1959. This Urdu book is a kind of adventure Urdu novel. Mr. Jules Verne has collected many interesting stories about different places of the world in this Urdu book Dunya Kay Gird 80 Din. This Urdu book is here in Pdf format and as long as 208 pages with a small size of only 8.11 MB. You can free download or read online Dunya Ke Gird Assi Din" from the blinking buttons below the sample pages of the book below.
                                        Brief Information of the book  
Book Name:Dunya Kay Gird Assi Din
Writer:Jules Gabriel Verne
Size:8.11 MB

Contents/Sample Pages of the Urdu book "Duniya Ke Gird 80 Din" by Jules Verne

Contents of Urdu Book Dunya Kay Gird Assi Din

Representation/sample page of the Urdu Book Dunya Kay Gird Assi Din by Jules Verne
Representation/sample page of the Urdu Book Dunya Kay Gird Assi Din by Jules Verne

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