Free download or read online Pdf Urdu book "Amalyat Ki Pur-Israr Dunya" and read horror stories that may be true, in your own Urdu language. "Amalyat Ki Pur-Israr Dunya" is the title name of this Urdu book which means the wonderful/horrorful world of magics. This Urdu book is authored by Mr. Imran Nagi BA who claims that he is a famous magician in Pakistan. Mr. Nagi is best known for his book Jinnat Sex Aur Insan which remain popular books at this blog. Mr. Nagi also claims that he has learnt his knowledge from his ancestors. He also claims that he learned this knowledge in India, Iran and from some European countries. In Jinnat Sex Aur Insan book, the authored has given various reference to this book. He claims that there was a Jinn with his grandfather and the Jinn was expert in Medical treatment and the author has met that expert Jinn once.
Amalyat Ki Pur Israr Dunya book is also known as Amalyat Ki Dunya. In this book the author has written some unbelievable stories but the author claims that these are true stories and not fictions. The author seems to be a magician but he claims that his Jinns are Muslims and he is not a black magician and he uses his knowledge for positive purposes. Allah knows better either the stories are true or not but one matter I would like to mention it here that the magic is forbidden in Islam, remember that by magic we do not mean hand tricks or illusion but magic is actually done with the help of Jinns. Please read the stories and articles in this book only for entertainment purposes and do not try to learn any thing like author did.
Amalyat Ki Pur Israr Dunya book is here in Pdf format, as long as 213 pages with clear crystal font with the disk size of 7.35 MB only. Please scroll down to the blinking buttons after the sample pages below to download or read online Amalyat Ki Pur-Israr Dunya Urdu book for free.
Brief Information of the book | |
Book Name: | Amalyat Ki Purisrar Dunya |
Writer: | Imran Nagi BA |
Language: | Urdu |
Format: | |
Size: | 7.35 MB |
Pages: | 213 |
Contents/Sample Pages of the Urdu Book "Amalyat Ki Pur-Israr Dunya" by Imran Nagi BA
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