Jannat Ki Hoorain Pdf Urdu Book Free Download

Jannat Ki Horrain Book
Free download or read online another beautiful Urdu book "Jannat Ki Hoorain" and discover the beauty of the women of Paradise. Hoor is the Arabic term used for beautiful man or woman of Paradise. Hoor are not made of mud like human. "Jannat Ki Hoorain" is the title name of this Urdu book which means the Hoors of heaven. The term Hoor usually means the beautiful girls of heaven but according to Dr. Zakir Naik, the term Hoor is an Arabic term which can be used for rival sex i.e Hoor may be a male for female and may be female for male. However in this Urdu book you will find every thing about the beauty of female Hoor in Urdu language. This Urdu book is authored by Mr. Fazlurrahman Al-Rasheedi who is a learned professor/scholar of Jamiat-ul-Uloom-Ul-Islamia, Banori Town Karachi, Pakistan.

According to Islam if a Hoor spit in sea of the world, the water of the sea will become sweet. There are many other extra ordinary compliments of Hoors in this Urdu book Jannat Ki Hoor or Jannat Ki Hoorain.

Jannat Ki Hoorain Pdf Urdu book is authored in the light of Islam i.e the Holy Qur'an and Hadiths. The author has collected many verses and Hadiths about Hoors. This book is actually written for those youngsters who are following and in love with girls of this world. The main aim of this book is to remind the actual goal and status of a Muslim. This book will change your life and you will forget to think about girls. This book is very recommended for all Muslims youngsters who can read and understand Urdu language. Jannat Ki Hoorain is a detailed Urdu book about the Hoor of paradise.

Jannat Ki Hoorain Urdu pdf book is here in Pdf format and as long as 68 pages with a small disk size of 3.7 MB only. Please scroll down to the blinking buttons after the sample pages to download or read online Jannat Ki Hurain Pdf Urdu book for free. 
                                        Brief Information of the book  
Book Name:Jannat Ki Hoorain
Writer:Fazlur Rahman Al-Rasheedi
Size:3.70 MB

Sample Pages of the Urdu Book "Jannat Ki Hoorain" by Fazlur Rahman Al-Rasheedi

Representation/preface of Jannat Ki Hoorain Pdf Urdu book

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