Popular Urdu book "Khawateen Ki Sehat" is here for free download and read online. This Urdu book is all about the health of women. Khwateen Ki Sehat Urdu book is authored by Dr. Samrin Farid who is a Doctor and expert and specialist of the women diseases. This Urdu book about the health of women is a great job by the author Dr. Samrin Farid who has worked hard and wrote all about the health of woman in 432 pages. This is a very useful and a detail Urdu book about health related problems of Woman. Dr. Samrin Farid has also written the remedies and symptoms of the different diseases of woman. This book is also for those women who can not share about their diseases even with a Doctor. This book has a lot of info about health in Urdu language.
Khawateen Ki Sehat Urdu book is here in Pdf format and as long as 432 pages with the small Pdf file size of 8.06 MB only. You can free download and read online this Urdu book from the table below the sample page of this book.