Free download or read online a worth reading Urdu book "Sehat Aur Zindagi" (Health and Life) and read very useful articles on health and life in Urdu language. "Sehat Aur Zindagi" is the title name of this Urdu book which is authored by Mr. Khushtar Girami who is a popular Urdu writer and poet from India. Khushtar Girami is also the Chief Editor of Urdu monthly magazine Bisween Sadi (20th century). Sehat Aur Zindagi is a masterpiece of Mr. Khushtar Girami who researched at that time and wrote this wonderful Urdu book about health and life. In this Urdu book, Mr. Khushtar Girami has written about specimens of different vegetables and fruits in Urdu language. He has also written that which vegetable or fruit owns which types of proteins and vitamins. He has also written the benefits of different vegetables and fruits in plain Urdu language. The complete name of this Urdu book is "Sehat Aur Zindagi: Phalon, Sabzion aur Jadi Botiyon Se Ilaj" which means Health and life: treatment via vegetables, fruits and herbs. The author Mr. Khushtar Girmani has also written the introductions and advantages of different vitamins in Urdu language. He has also written the diet ingredients of different foods in Urdu language. Sehat Aur Zindagi Urdu book is a must read Urdu book for every one who can read and understand Urdu language.
Sehat Aur Zindagi by Khushtar Girami is here in Pdf format and as long as 168 pages with the small Pdf size of 5.53 MB only. You can free download and read online this Urdu book from the table below the sample pages.