Waqiyat Parhiye Aur ibrat Lijiye

Waqiyat Parhiye Aur ibrat Lijiye Pdf Book Free Download
File Size: 3 MB | File Type: Pdf | Pages: 356 | Category: Islamic

Waqiyat parhiye aur ibrat lijiye is a beautiful self-help related Islamic pdf book written by Maulana Shohaib Ul Allah Bangalore. He is a well known Islamic scholar from India. Islam is a complete religion, it has rights for everyone. Allah is controlling all the matters, in the case of peoples Allah has given a limited freedom, can do what you want, but strictly asked to do right things, if comment wrong deeds, will be punished in this world and after death, there is severe punishment for such persons. Waqiyat parhiye aur ibrat lijiye has lot of genuine inspiring incidents from social life, full of faith and moral lessons.
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