Exam Stress Tips To Help You Manage

Exam Stress Tips To Help You Manage, A Natural Feeling...Let’s LEARN To DEAL With It Pdf Book Free Download

Year: 2013 | File Size: 1.9 MB | File Type: pdf | Pages: 62 | Category: Education

Exam Stress Tips To Help You Manage is an interesting educational Pdf book compiled and edited by Dr. K V Anand. The subtitle of the book is Exam Stress A Natural Feeling...Let’s LEARN to DEAL with it. Exam stress is a natural thing, but sometimes it increases and causes trouble so in spite of preparation of exam we have to do something to overcome this stress. In this regard this is a very good book dealing with exam stress, it includes study and memorization Tips, Diet, Exercise & Sleep, Answers and questions by Parents, Answers and questions by Students, And finally the most important Mantras for your mind, body & soul. This short book of about 64 pages, is very helpful for students improving their confidence.

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