Masnoon Usool e Tijarat By Mufti Abubakr Jabir

Masnoon Usool e Tijarat By Mufti Abubakr Jabir, Mufti Rafiud Deen Hanif   Pdf Book Free Download

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Masnoon usool e tijarat, Islamic principles of trade is a beautiful Islamic pdf book written by Mufti Abubakr Jabir and Mufti Rafiud Deen Hanif. Both are well known Islamic scholars having a lot of experience in studying the Islamic trade principles. Trade is on top of all type of business, as Islam is a complete religion, having instructions about every field of life, so there are clear instructions about trade in Islam. Trade has supreme importance as our Holy Prophet also do trading during early days and advises the importance and basic principles of Trade. These basic principles are guiding line for all Muslims belonging to trade or interested in trade. 
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