Ashab-e-Suffa By Mufti Mohammad Ashiq Ilahi

Ashab-e-Suffa Pdf Book Free Download


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Ashab-e-Suffa is a beautiful Islamic pdf book written by Maulana Mufti Mohammad Ashiq Ilahi Bulendshehri. He is a well known Islamic scholar. Suffa is a place, near Masjid e Nabvi, established by Holy Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H. actually it is Arabic word which means corner. Ashab-e-Suffa are the young, poor, orphans, which dwell in the suffa place. Actually, they were searching for work as a livelihood. The importance of Ashab-e-Suffa is that they have studied the Quran and Sunnah and believe in Islam. So, they are known as the companions of Prophet Mohammad PBUH.
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