Human Rights in Islam Insani Haqooq Ka Islami Manshoor PDF Book

حقوق انسانی کا اسلامی منشور

اختر امام عادل

human rights islam Urdu

Human Rights Law in Islam in Urdu Haqooq e Insani Ka Islami Manshoor written by Akhtar Imam Adil. The Quran expresses that all people are the descendants of limited Adam and are consequently brothers to each other Read Islamic Law about Human Rights Book in the Urdu language this free Islamic book in Urdu pdf format free download or read online. read human rights in the west and Islamic theory about this topic and read rule and regulation of the Islam and western world this book as long as 84 pages and pdf file size 4.8 MB only. You may read Parda by Syed Maududi and Waldain Ka Maqam o Martaba.

Islamic Law on Human Rights Book in Urdu PDF Free Download:

The following content in this Islami Urdu Kutub:

  • Insani Haqooq Ka Tasuwer
  • Magarbi Tasuwer aur Islami Tasawer (Western Theory about Human Rights)
  • History of Rights (Insani Haqooq)
  • United Nation (Aqwam e Mutehada)
  • International Roles and Regulation
  • The basic rights in Islam
  • Haq e Masawat
  • Justice and Freedom 
  • Tahafuz Jan Ka Haq
  • Niji Imlak (Personal Property)
  • Education Rights
  • Religion Rights
  • Bill of rights
  • Law of Nature
  • Khutba Hujjat Ul widah
Haqooq insaniHuman Rights Urdu