تحفہ پاکستان
مولانا سید سلمان ندوی
Gift Pakistan the collection of speeches or taqareer of Maulana Syed Salman Nadvi in the Urdu language. Gifted Pakistan the History and Story PDF Book in Urdu. Speech during the Karachi visit in 1948. 6 cheh fikar Angez speeches jo uno ne muktalif mozohat par apne qayam Karachi 24 ta 26 May 1948 ke darmeyan ki tain jin main Pakistan har tabqe ke leye fikar mutala ghor wa tadabur ka samanaur islah hal wa khidmat e deen o milat wa mulk ki walwal angez dawat hay. This book published by Fazal Rabbi Nadvi Majlis e Nashriat Islam Nazim Abad Karachi.This book as long as 80 pages and pdf file 1.7 MB only. Fikar e millet e Islamia and fikar e Pakistan aur and Pakistani society. You may be read Arab o Hind Kay Talluqat and Khutbaat-e-Madaris.