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Free download Balochi book Polani Tokari Novel translated by Abdul Khaliq Khalid. Polani Tokari Means Flower Bouquet (Pholoon Ka Guldasta) This is a German novel translated into Balochi language by Baluchi writer Abdul Khaliq Khalid, this novel also translated in English, French, Urdu and Sindhi languages. and also made a movie on this famous novel story, this novel published by Adabi community Baloch Welfare Association in March 2007 and printed by Mehrahi Printer Karachi. The story of this novel for ages like Men, women, Farmers, engineers, boys, girls and for all. All Balochi kinds of literature and books show Baloch culture and society. Balochi is one of the bigger Western Iranian dialects, talked predominantly in Balochistan. (separated by political fringes between Pakistan, Iran, and Afghanistan), yet in addition to a significant populace in Oman, Gulf States, Turkmenistan, India, and East Africa now this is very interesting Baluchi novel.This book as long as 205 pages and PDF file size 8.6 MB. You may be read Balochi proverbs and sayings and their meanings book Bathal o Gushthen Gal Band and Namaz ya Salat learning and guidebook in Baluchi Bayae Namaz Wanain.