Mazameen Quran e Hakeem By Zahid Malik Pdf Book free Download
Mazameen Quran e Hakeem is a beautiful Islamic pdf book written by Zahid Malik. He is a well-known Islamic scholar, writes a lot of beautiful Islamic books. Quran Majeed is among four holy books, which are presented by Allah to Prophets for the guidance of mankind. Quran Majeed is last holy book, allotted to last Prophet Hazrat Muhammad P.B.U.H. after this the continuity of books and prophets is stopped, now this book Quran Majeed and sayings of Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad P.B.U.H. are a source of guidance for whole mankind. Mazameen Quran, the orders of Quran, as name shows contains all the orders of Allah Almighty. These orders are really helpful and necessary for every Muslim to know, understand and obey them.