Laila Ao Majnoon by Sikandar Khattak

pashto poetry

Book Name Laila Ao Majnoon
AuthorSikandar Khattak
Publish Year
Language Pashto
Genre Folk Story

Review Laila ao Majnoon:

This book Laila ao Majnoon is written by Sikandar Khattak, Laila Majnoon is a folk story, famous in the KPK as well as all over the world, when we look at the history, we find that Laila Majnoon is a narrative poem composed in 584/1188 by the Persian poet Neẓāmi Ganjavi, based on a semi-historical Arab story about the 7th century Bedouin poet Qays ibn Al-Mulawwah and his ladylove Layla bint Mahdi (or Layla al-Aamiriya). Nizami also wrote Khosrow and Shirin in the 12th century, a popular poem praising their love story. It is the third of his five long narrative poems, Panj Ganj (Persia)(The Five Treasures). Lord Byron called it “the Romeo and Juliet of the East.”
But in a time everybody narrated this tale in their own words, here is a pashto version of the Laila and Majnoon tale.