Ashab-e-Suffa Aur Tasawwuf Ki Haqiqat

Ashab-e-Suffa Aur Tasawwuf Ki Haqiqat Free eBook


File Size: 1.4 MB | File Type: Pdf | Pages: 74 | Category: Islam

Ashab-e-suffa aur tasawwuf ki haqiqat, ashab-e-suffa and the reality of Sufiasm is a beautiful Islamic history related pdf book written by Imam Ibn-e-Taymiyyah. He is a well-known Islamic Imam and scholar, writes so many Islamic books. His books are translated into different languages so that peoples of different languages can get the benefit of them. This book also was in Arabic, Pakistani scholar Abdur Razzaq Malih Abadi translate it in Urdu for Urdu knowing persons. As it is clear by its name, Ashab-e-Suffa Aur Tasawwuf Ki Haqeeqat, it is about the story of Ashab-e-Suffa, whose story is narrated in Quran, and there are several sahahi ahadiths about them. The second important subject discussed here is tasawwuf ki haqeeqat, tasawwuf, sufism is present on its high level, even at some places it crossed the limits of Islam. Imam Ibn-e-Taymiyyah describes sufiasm in the light of Islam by narrating sayings of Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W.S. and condemns all the false things associated with sofiasm and Islam.
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