Blender for Animation and Film-Based Production

3d artist

Book NameBlender for Animation and Film-Based Production
AuthorMichelangelo Manrique
Publish Year
PublisherCRC Press
GenreAnimation Learning

Review: Blender for Animation and Film-Based Production

Blender is a free and open-source 3D computer graphics software toolset used for creating animated films, visual effects, art, 3D printed models. Blender for Animation and Film-Based Production is a complete animation learning guide written by Michelangelo Manrique, Born on May 20, 1980, has always been interested in the fine arts, which not only encouraged him to pursue university education in history of art, but also to work as a painter and an art curator. Michelangelo is also technologically adept, which led him to Blender in 2004. Blender caught his attention right away and he was fascinated by this 3D suite’s workflow and many possibilities.
Currently, Michelangelo is a programmer and 3D artist. He is working toward developing animation productions and rigging. He is also involved in publishing tutorials and writing books, while he also conducts different courses on Blender. He is available for freelance or collaborative work with other studios. Michelangelo offers different Blender courses designed to suit individual student needs.