Da Adam Khan Ao Durkhaney da Meeney Qissa Pdf Free

pashto poetry

Book NameDa Adam Khan Ao Durkhaney da Meeney Qissa
AuthorMaulvi Ahmad Tangi and M.Hussain Majrooh
Publish Year
PublisherShehbaz Khparandvi Tolan, Jalalabad
GenreFolk Story

Review: Adam Khan Durkhaney

Da Adam Khan Ao Durkhaney da Meeney Qissa is written by Maulvi Ahmad Tangi and M.Hussain Majrooh. Adam Khan and Durkhanai's story is believed to be the classic romance of Pashto.
Kept alive through written and and oral tradition the story has been passed from generation to generation. Adam Khan was from Kooza (lower) Bazdara and Durkhanai was from Upper Bazdara. Adam Khan the son of Hasan Khan was a very handsome young man and by all accounts seems to have been a spoiled young man who had nothing better to do than walk around his village with his friends.
Durkhanai daughter of Taus Khan was an extra ordinarily beautiful young woman who was very intelligent to boot. Not having a son Taus Khan showed incredible open mindedness for his times when he indulged his daughter by providing her learned tutors who schooled her in all there was to learn. She did obey local custom and culture by keeping strict purdah, not only would she be veiled but also took the step of sitting behind a screen and having an elderly servant sit there to chaperon them at all times.
This book contains two versions of the storey, prose and poem, read and enjoy.