Digital Marketing and Social Media Pdf Free Download

digital marketing

Book NameDigital Marketing and Social Media
AuthorAnkita Garje and Pragati Devikar
Publish Year
PublisherTirpude Institute of Management Education
GenreInternet Marketing

Review: Digital Marketing & Social Media

Digital Marketing and Social Media is written by Ankita Garje and Pragati Devikar. Many educational sectors in Asian countries in the past few decades have witnessed massive growth in a number of institutes and students.
The associated policies and procedures related to various educational functions like admission process, attendance system, Teacher -student interaction and examination have grown manifold and had been streamlined. Also, it is seen that the information technology tools have offered pretty promising solutions to enable effective management of these functions. College automation system deals with all kinds of student details of college, academic details and other such resources. This will help the institution to utilize its resources in an efficient manner. This system is capable of greatly atomizing work.