Computer Viruses Pdf Free Download

Book Name Computer Viruses
AuthorRalph Roberts
Publish Year
PublisherCOMPUTE! Publications, Inc.
Language English
Genre Computers
ISBN 0-87455-178-1
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Computer Viruses Review:

Computer Viruses is a complete virus description book by Ralph Roberts, What if all the data on your computer's hard disk and/or floppies suddenly disappears? Millions of characters of information are irretrievably gone and the only thing left in return is an infantile message like "Arfl Arfl Gotcha!"or "Welcome to the dungeon ... beware the virus."
The destructive rampages of these terrible little hidden programs from sick minds are not limited to high risk users who download indiscriminately from pirate electronic bulletin boards. Associated Press and United Press International stories in recent months have reported that such major institutions as NASA, Lehigh University, Miami (Ohio) University, AReO Oil, Hebrew University in Israel, and others have had computer virus attacks. Viruses can attack your system even if you
don't have a telephone modem.
Like a biological virus, a computer virus can replicate itself and be spread (through the use of "Trojan horse" programs) from system to system. Trade a floppy disk with a friend and you may unwittingly be destroying large amounts of important data in your system, be it a single-user computer or a large telephone- linked network of 20,000 terminals. It's not even enough to have good backup-a timed release virus can also be in the backup disks or tape, destroying data time after frustrating time.