Daish Iraq o Sham By Tariq Ismail Sagar

Daish Iraq o Sham By Tariq Ismail Sagar Pdf Book Free Download

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Daish Iraq o Sham is an informative politics pdf book written by famous journalist Tariq Ismail Sagar. He is a well-known Pakistani journalist famous for his research based analysis. Dolat e Islamia Daish is the hot topic among news of electronic and print media, as we saw in the news, it is becoming a real threat to humanity. It is really strange, who this organization is running in a planned way under such circumstances, who is behind it, because with out any supreme support it is impossible to run such an organization in a planned way in different parts of world. All the Islamic sects, including Immame Kaba of Suide Arabia, declare it as a terrorist organization and clearly said, have no concern with Islam. The Author Tariq Ismail Sagar reveals the true face of Dolat e Islamia Daish which is active in Iraq Sham and Libya known as ISI mean Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.

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