Clear Your Doubts About Islam for AppleThe application available in following storesDescriptionNo one can deny that Islam is very much in the spotlight today. In spite of extremely negative portrayals by Western media (or perhaps because of them), increasing numbers of people are seeking to find out more about it. And...
Showing posts with label FOR NON-MUSLIM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FOR NON-MUSLIM. Show all posts
The Only Way outA Guide for Truth SeekersDOWNLOADPDFORDOWNLOADPDFDescription This book provides a different way in introducing Islam. Its author lived in the Western society since he was a child and prepared MA and PhD in the greatest British universities, the issue that made him able to know how the...
النبي محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم خاتم الرسل في التوراة والإنجيلالعربية(Arabic)DOWNLOAD PDFORDOWNLOAD PDFنبذة مختصرة كتاب قيّم، حاول فيه المؤلف إثبات أن رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم - هو آخر الرسل في التوراة والإنجيل: ولهذا فقد ركز المؤلف على بعض النصوص التي حاول من خلالها أن يثبت ذلك. وهو في بابه جيد ونافع وينطوي على مادة...
UnderstandingISLAMDOWNLOAD PDFORDOWNLOAD PDFDescription This book gives a simple picture about Islam through many aspects Islamic Doctrines, acts of worships and dealings between peopl...
What Is Islam?ISLAMIC ENGLISH BookDOWNLOAD PDFORDOWNLOAD PDFDescription This is a simple book shows the various aspects of Islam such as the pillars of Islam and faith along with many other aspect...