مینارِ پاکستانایم نذیراحمدMinar e Pakistan studies written by M. Nazeer Ahmed download or read the online history of Minar e Pakistan Studies Urdu book. Minar e Pakistan Lahore is an open landmark situated in, adjoining the Walled City of Lahore, in the Pakistani Punjab province. The tower was developed amid the 1960s...
Showing posts with label History( تاریخ ). Show all posts
Showing posts with label History( تاریخ ). Show all posts
تاریخ فرشتہحصہ اول - دوم محمد قاسم فرشتہTareekh E Farishta Vol 1 and 2 composed by Muhammad Qasim. This is Urdu translated book contained Four sections and was deciphered by Khawaja Abdul Haye (Mushfaq Khawaja) translated from the Persian dialect into Urdu. The complete history of Hindustan or India in Urdu. Tareekh...
تاریخی اغلاط نامے الفت نسیمIn this Urdu book writer research and point out mistakes of history about Baloch tribes (Baluch Qabail) and Baluchistan found in Historical Balochi literatures and documents. Read real and correct history writer also point out many books who written wrong history about Baluch and Baluchistan....
تاریخ فیروز شاہی عفیف شمس سراجFree download old indian Book in Urdu Tarikh I Firuz Shahi study the history of Sultan Firoz Shahi written by Afeef Shams Siraj and translate into the Urdu language by Molvi Muhammad Fida Ali Sahib Talib. Read Complete biography and history of Muslim empire of Sultan Feroz Shahi ...
دلی کی آخری دیدار سید وزیر حسن دہلویFree download old Indian Urdu literature Delhi Ka Akhri Deedar means The Last Seen of Delhi City by Janab Syed Wazir Hassan Dihlavi, collect by Janab Shayad Ahmed B.A and printed by Dili Printing works Delhi Hindustan. This is Indian classical historical Urdu literature. Read Urdu...