Free download or read online Urdu book "Ashab-e-Suffa" and learn about the special companions of Prophet Mohammad PBUH in the Urdu language. Ashab-e-Suffa is the title name of this Urdu book which is authored by Maulana Mufti Mohammad Ashiq Ilahi Bulendshehri. Ashab-e-Suffa were the famous companions of Prophet Mohammad...
Showing posts with label Sahaba R.A. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sahaba R.A. Show all posts
Free download or read online another Islamic related Urdu book "Difa-e-Sahaba Kiyun Zaroori Hai" (Why Must Defend the companions). Get a free Pdf copy of this Urdu book and read why Muslims must support the followers of Prophet Mohammad PBUH. "Difa-e-Saha Kiyun Zaroori Hai" is the title name of this Urdu book which is...
Free download or read online another must read Urdu book "Kiramat-e-Sahaba" and learn the miracles of the companions of the Holy Prophet, Prophet Mohammad S.A.W. "Kiramat-e-Sahaba" is the title name of the said Urdu book which is authored by Allama Abdul Mustafa who is a famous Islamic scholar and many of his books are...
If we talk about the difficult journeys of non-Muslims to Islam, the name of Hazrat Bilal comes to our minds. Bilal R.A who faced a lot of difficulties in his life. Bilal was an African Ethiopian slave of a non-Muslim Umayya. When Bilal accepted Islam, Umayya became a Firon for the innocent slave Hazrat Bilal...
Free download or read online another must read Urdu Islamic history book "Lashkar-e-Usama Ki Rawangi" (the departure of the Osama Army). This book is not about Osama Bin Laden. Lashkar e Osama Ki Rawangi Urdu book is about Hazrat Usama R.A, who was a famous companion of the Holy Prophet SAW. The departure of the Osama...