لندن کے ساتھ رنگ کرشن چندرSeven Colors of London City in Urdu PDF Book Download. The story of the city of London a travel story of Krishan Chander, Free Download PDF copy Urdu book of London Kay 7 Rang means Seven Colors of London City written by Krishan Chander, who is the best and famous Urdu literature writer...
Showing posts with label Travel (سفرنامه). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Travel (سفرنامه). Show all posts
جستجو کا سفر ذیشان الحسن عثمانیDownload a free PDF copy of Urdu novel Justuju Ka Safar means Traveling of Searching composed by Zeeshan ul Hassan Usmani.This is an anecdotal Urdu short story of a man who spends his life pursuing the alleged "achievement" and once he gets all he longed for, he lost the significance...
کالا چاندرضوان علی گھمنThe title of this book Kala Chand means Black Moon, read a best Urdu travelogue and Novel, this is a true story written by Mr. Rizwan Ali Ghuman. This is a story of Pakistani illegal refugees some stay and live in Greece and European countries and some died during journey, is a unique romantic story...
دوسرا خدا رضوان علی گھمنDoosra Khuda is the romantic story in Urdu this is part 2 of Muhajir Novel written by Rizwan Ali Ghuman who Pakistan young boy now settle in Germany. The Story creator Mr. Rizwan Ali Ghuman is himself a darling and this story is by all accounts his own romantic tale. Rizwan Ali Ghuman has shared...
مہاجر رضوان علی گھمنMuhajir is the Illegal travel story of a Pakistani boy who want the cross the border without a visa and passport any legal papers he travels for work and finds a new job for making future life in Greece and America county, he travels from Pakistan Iran Turkey and Greece, he travels trough tanker...