Khwakhy Engoor by M.Ibrahim Shabnam

pashto novel

Book Name Khwakhy Engoor
AuthorM.Ibrahim Shabnam
Publish Year
PublisherDanish Khparandoya Tolana, Peshawar
Language Pashto
Genre Novel

Review Khwakhy Engoor:

Khwakhy Engoor is a Pashto novel written by Muhammad Ibrahim Shabnam, this novel is representing pashtun culture, a very interesting novel ever seen in pashto language. as there is joined family system in pashtuns, therefor sweet tussels of mother in law and daughter in law occurs oftenly.
It is fact that pashto literature lacks novels, there is a very small number of pashto novels available. khwakhe engoor is one of those universal novels, which can not be ignored.
Not only in pashtuns but all the nations of the world, which support joint family system are aware of the role of khwakhy engoor(Pashto), Saas Bahoo (Urdu), Mother in law Daughter in law(english)