عمر خیام جمیل نقویThis is Urdu translation book of Omar Khayam Volume 2 (Jald Dom) written by Herald Liam and translated into the Urdu language by Jameel Naqvi. The Biography of historical Muslim Person Umar Khayam. This book starts with chapter four. Total 259 pages and pdf file size 15 MBThe following topic in this...
Showing posts with label Biography(شخصیات). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Biography(شخصیات). Show all posts
عمر رفتہ صاحبزادہ مقصود الرسول Umar e Rafta is the Urdu old books written by Sahib Zada Muhammad Maqbool ul Rasul for free download or read online in pdf published by Daral Uloom Maqboolia lillah Shreef zilah Jhelam. book as long as 126 pages and file size 2 MB. Best Urdu online library for free eBooks and novels...
بابر نامہ ظہیر الدین محمد بابرBabar Nama Book of Mughal Emperor Babur. This is an Urdu translation of Persian book Tuzk E Babari written by Zahir Uddin Mohammad Baber and translated into Urdu language by Muhammad Qasim Siddiqui. this is Urdu Kudhnosht book autobiography of Zaheer Uddin Babar free download in pdf format...